Great for families and friends alike, this mind boggling card game is a real hit and has sold over 3. 26). 1. Kenzato. #ILLUSION Scene sharing3 - Kurのイラスト - pixivChaos Form. Open the original before downloading maybe. At the end of the day, I simply check my. Try the name of your favorite character, hair length, name of the game or something else. Booru. File list. A very large imageboard for Japanese related content that is anonymous. Koikatsu! aka Koikatu (コイカツ! in Japanese) is an eroge high school simulation akin to SchoolMate and Artificial Academy created by the Japanese H-game company Illusion. Notice that you can search using tags when using illusioncards. The relevant player takes the top card from the color card deck and must place it alongside the color card which is already there, either to the right or to the left, following the direction of the arrow. Illusion, it's been. Illusion's PlayHome PlayHome [All-In-One Re-Pack] Torrent DLC/Updates phomeex_01_plus English Translations Kenzato PH Miscellaneous Links PlayHome thread on HongFire PlayHome. Show only featured. I got suggested sites like illusion booru and Btw maybe you can help me, im searching a specific character, but cant find her on any site. org web services written for fast download browsing and sharing I club character CARDS. 99. I installed the game yesterday and. Created Sep 22, 2016. ps main outfit (no weapon) have 64 active slots and 12 with nothing if u have less just ar u need mods (download game with mods from link or use the last hf path or something idk :D) Polish_dead-boy. About Community. 02XXX. Pokémon. If so, you can just simply find a card you want, then drag and drop it onto the game screen. IllusionModdingAPI Public. It's a simple enough game. Would appreciate some help. entity2345 slayed the e-girl though. Discord. Cũ nhất. A collection of essential BepInEx plugins for games made by Illusion. 5. Would there be any card sharing sites that have interfaces similar to imgur or kenzato (ie. 有个i社名字+card的. With the game closed, copy new cards to these folders and the characters will be available next time you open the game. 77/month; creating Websites For. Room Girl is compatible with cards from the following preview games: AI Girl (AI Syoujyo) and Honey Select 2. Now, if you have repack, id assume you have the KKmanager and HF Patch and whatnot. DISCLAIMER: I am not a developer, but use Python to automate multiple tasks for my. Score + - 1 Report post. (Supports wildcard *) Tags +-? ai shoujo 1986; bald 157; blonde hair 9746; blue eyes 8527; blue skin 514; cartoons 1591; cassie sandsmark 5; comics 413; coordinate card 863; dc 296; dc comics 309; female 36011; fox 224; honey select 2 6006; jacket 369; kenshi 1; large ass 2436; large breasts 12436; shek 1; tagme 13130; warrior 283; white snake 1; wonder girl. ago. Room Girl is compatible with cards from the following preview games: AI Girl (AI Syoujyo) and Honey Select 2. booru. Code Issues Pull requests Modding API for games made by Illusion (PHAPI / KKAPI / ECAPI / AIAPI / HS2API / KKSAPI). Cards Scenes. This literally just happened in another thread modeeper. All of these you can right click and save, except kenzato, you have to open the image and click the download icon on the bottom right to save the actual png file. . He meant old cards. Safe_Assistance9867 • 2 yr. copy. Brand. The game was released on April. mod-manager automatic-updates koikatu koikatsu koikatsu-party Updated Jun 26, 2023; C#; IllusionMods / IllusionModdingAPI Star 214. Card Name. Booru. KKManager Public. Flash card games are a great way to play with your family and some of our lines can be used as learning resources to improve vocabulary, spelling, and memory. Once you have your png file, you save it to the char folder. Would appreciate some help. Automatically find and install mod updates from the internet. Or you're using the wrong game? HS1 Cards are not compatible with HS2. About. Large gestures are forbidden, adding an extra layer of difficulty. Created Mar 17, 2021. BepisPlugins Public. Posted on 2022-11-16 21:19:24 by anhhungrom990. Score + - 2. account and album features) that sees decent traffic, and specializes in illusion soft cards rather than being just a general art-sharing place? I'd really appreciate some good recommendations. #Illusion games cards install# If you want to update your current KK Manager install then it's recommended to remove all old files except for the. PlayHome (Cubemaps and Extra maps 2019. Are there any sites where you can download hs2 character cards and mods for free and most importantly has character cards and mods from Japanese anime and chinese. Thanks. (Supports wildcard *) Tags +-? anime 6431; bandanaa 3; bandanna 40; birthmark 3; blue eyes 8527; brown hair 7711; camisole 360; card 27873; casual 1366; close-up 1881; collared shirt 741; cowboy shot 3255; evaan 42; female 36011; full body 1766; fusion 146; gloves 3123; grey eyes 478; hairband 882; haruka 43; huge ass 471; koikatsu 19399;. copy. Or apparently a game modder who creates waifu content then cockblocks other men online. ago. Booru. Simply download a card (picture) from a preferred website (kenzato, illusioncards, or search "Koikatsu" on pixiv), then put a card into the game's folder > UserData > chara > female, and she'll appear in the game. #Illusion games cards download# Download the latest release from the releases page. Mod, plugin and card manager for games by Illusion that use BepInEx. It can: Browse installed zipmods and plugins, and view information about them. Mod, plugin and card manager for games by Illusion that use BepInEx. It'll load it. HS2ChaF 20230718204542692 bởi Tranquillo. A very large imageboard for Japanese related content that is anonymous. The gates are safe for the time being. Results for illusion card game. コイカツ / Koikatsu Party - ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The Ultimate Anime Character Maker. To automate, I have the script executed every 30 min via cron on a raspberry pi (though it would be easy to schedule on Windows as well). copy. Honey Select (ハニーセレクト in Japanese) is an eroge created by the Japanese H-game company Illusion. If so, you can just simply find a card you want, then drag and drop it onto the game screen. Mod, plugin and card manager for games by Illusion that use BepInEx. Support Tier. So, starting with the Kenzato Booru site, I built a Python script that downloads newly uploaded cards/scenes and sorts them based on groups (cards, scenes, games). Would there be any card sharing sites that have interfaces similar to imgur or kenzato (ie. Reason for report: Posted on 2022-01-31 02:12:02 by jcv19. copy. This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Chaos" or "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster. I installed the game yesterday and started downloading/creating CC's today (cause I don't know how to use downloaded CC's). Satoko Download. copy. copy. HP. Python script to automate downloading and sorting Illusion Cards from the "Recent" section on Kenzato Booru. They're famous for developing 3D eroge such as the Biko series, Battle Raper, Des Blood series, Artificial Girl, and Sexy Beach. I Agree orcancel. 15 members; 40 posts; $29. Illusion Game Cards - lara croft tagme. copy. Modding API for games made by Illusion. DISCLAIMER: I am not a developer, but use Python to automate multiple tasks for my. So as Jehuty said: Right click on the card you want, open a new tab, right click on the image and choose "save as". English (United States) $ USD. pixivKenzato_download. Booru. Gần đây nhất. Pay annually (Save 15%) Recommended. The character cards are just images. このサイトには、性的な情報、リンク、画像があります。. $1 / month. Due to Illusion Soft's policy, its games are not intended to be sold or used outside of Japan, and official support is only. A very large imageboard for Japanese related content that is anonymous. The software is based on Booru. 4 GiB) PlayHome (Up2date modded 2019. Become a patron. Naho Download. HS2ChaF 20230718142339704 bởi Justinsane1185. 下载地址(Download link): 下载和浏览网页前建议按Ctrl+F5刷新一下页面缓存信息,不然网页可能显示的是旧的缓存页面 (推荐)Coding下载(Coding Download)creating ILLUSION Games Scenes, Characters and Stuff. (Supports wildcard *) Tags +-? loli 3833; nagisa omiya 3; phsn0000382 6; playhome 3411; sae takemoto 1; source request 62; tagme 13146; tkg 274; yumi muroi 1; yuno maruyama 3; 丸山 由乃 4; 大宮 渚砂 5; 室井 侑美 1; 竹本 沙英 1A card sharing website hosted by Kenzato. 26). Remove | Add note | Keep | Edit | Note history | Tag History | Previous | Next(Supports wildcard *) Tags +-? anime 6431; anthromorph 193; arashi spring 1; beauty, 1 big tits, 8 blonde, 7 blue skin 514; date a live 53; female 36011; furry 1558. C HS2 Cards. ID: 40620011-en: Skill Name: Hidden Flavor, SpicyWith the game closed, copy new cards to these folders and the characters will be available next time you open the game. Roxana Download. Pokémon Mew Pokémon TCG Secret Rare Individual. It's on the bottom right, next to the "Like" button. Just google "ai shoujo character cards" and you will find a bunch of sites. UnderCraft_383 • 3 yr. Yeah but it helps to be a young female. Illusion Soft is a Japanese video game development company based in Yokohama, Japan. Posted on 2021-11-23 06:16:31 Score: 0 (vote Up / Down ) ( Report as spam) don't look at the score here. Mew. Someone will probably need to correct me on this, but it should be under the Userdata folder, then the Char folder then. You can get/share cards for. When i started to make her, she wasn't looks like motoko and i was very depressed. I'm not sure if Twitch has a phone number either. あなたが 18歳以下の場合、あなたの国で、この先にある情報を見ることは法律に違反します。. Pokémon Ancient Mew Pokémon TCG Rare Collectible Individual Card Games. Other lines can be just for fun such as riddles, jokes, and optical illusions. (Supports wildcard *) Tags +-? ahoge 1144; animal ears 1345; anthro 808; brown hair 7711; female 36011; flora 10; furry 1558; koikatsu 19399; multicolored skin 168. mod-manager automatic-updates koikatu koikatsu koikatsu-party. So I just downloaded this game along with the HF Patch, I'm wondering if I can download the cards that I see on Illusions or if I have to create them from scratch in Creator. Koikatsu!, Koikatsu!, character release (Koikatsu) / [Card] Hanako. Room Girl ( ROOMガール in Japanese) is an 3d eroge created by the Japanese H-game company Illusion. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field and/or banish "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Dark Magician" from your GY, whose total Levels exactly equal the Level of the "Chaos" or "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster. COM3D2; SH; Sims 4; vtubers are NERDS; Cheap VPN - 82% off Discord Support the site English . About this product. Below you'll find the download links for everything you need for an enjoyable experience in PlayHome. Right-click on the image, choose "save image as. 7k. Kenzato is creating content you must be 18+ to view. Any good Koikatsu Party cards sites? I know about the Kenzato Booru and Illusion cards booru, but any good ones you know, or suggest where it is easy to copy. 5 million copies worldwide. 0 75 7 2 Updated Jul 21, 2023. Left-click on the card you like (or open it in a new tab). Product Identifiers. Ayase Download. Okay, well, for kenzato is indeed a download button. C# GPL-3. The game was released on September 9, 2016. For Americans it makes probably bigger sence, but for most other nations of the world is not 20/21 some age boundary, mostly, i dont see something wrong in making characters above 15, and even if someone making. Access to my character cards; Your vote counts as 5 for character polls! Discord access . Product Key Features. copy. copy. Home. character card 298? female 36011? honey select 28571? loli 3833? misty 74? nintendo 1511? pokemon 880; Statistics Id: 78537 Posted: 2020-10-14 08:13:11 By: Grillo Size: 504x704 Source: Rating: Safe Score: 1(Supports wildcard *) Tags +-? anime 6432; aran 9; armor 1151; armor suit 2; blonde hair 9746; blue eyes 8528; dark skin 2985; female 36012; koikatsu 19400; manga 2511; marina 18; metroid 110; midna 28; nami 108; nami (one piece) 12 nintendo 1511; octoling 14; octopus 9; one piece 317; samus 61; samus aran 92; shortstack 104; splatoon 52; the. Illusion Game Cards Kenzato; Illusion Game Cards Honey Select 2; Illusion Game Cards KoikatuDiscord. 下载地址(Download link): 下载和浏览网页前建议按Ctrl+F5刷新一下页面缓存信息,不然网页可能显示的是旧的缓存页面 (推荐)Coding下载(Coding Download)Lots are drawn to decide who should start. Choose your membership. これ先に進むことは許されません。. ok so recently ive been looking at kenzato booru and a lot of the images are unavailable whats up with that? also, their discord link doesn't work can someone link it? also, i tried asking on their Patreon via comment but it said i needed to be a patron (even though on the site it said you didnt need to be one)The Steam version doesn’t natively support studio, so you need to install one of the fanpatches to add support for this !!! Same as Character Cards, Scene cards are simply PNG files, just with other data attached. Players – 2-4. anpeg1123 Posted on 2018-04-01 08:20:30 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down) (Report as spam) Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the shell. You can report issues on GitHub Issues page, or on the Koikatu! discord server. Uniform, RoomGirl / room girl card / October 3rd, 2022 - pixiv. Are the discord servers active? Do they create characters and share them? If yes, maybe you could recommend me a discord server. Are there any sites where you can download hs2 character cards and mods for free and most importantly has character cards and mods from Japanese anime and chinese anime Game/Mods support/help The Character cards / mods i am trying to get for free is from a chinese anime called soulland (douluo dalu) is it possible to get any mods or cards for free?So I just downloaded this game along with the HF Patch, I'm wondering if I can download the cards that I see on Illusions or if I have to create them from scratch in Creator. Pokémon Mew Illusion 02-xxx RARE Card. All the cards from 2020. Browse cards and scenes (supports drag and drop so you can drag cards into the game to load them).